Standard 3: An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Artifact 3
Analysis of Created School Budget
PowerPoint Presentation
Artifact 3
Analysis of Created School Budget
PowerPoint Presentation
Rationale:The selected artifact, "Analysis of Created Budget" was created as part of EDU School Finance 709 at UNE. This artifact demonstrates my ability to obtain, allocate, align, and efficiently utilize human, fiscal, and technological resources as I had to use my school's current budget plan and make structural changes using projections for the next fiscal year. During this process I also learned how to monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems of the school as I had to make budget decisions that would effect the entire staff and school. When I looked at my district's Budget Strategic Look Ahead, I noticed that there would be a 2% reduction, so I had to cut 2% from my school's previous year's SEG revenue to being creating my school's next year's budget. I had to work with this 2% reduction and manipulate the fiscal changes I thought were necessary and make staff changes that would improve student achievement while taking enrollment, curriculum and professional development all into consideration for our school to move forward in the best possible way.
Reflection:Standard 3 requires that educators promote the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization and use resources for a safe and effective learning environment. The process of creating a budget based on actual budget numbers and projections taught me so much. It was one of the most useful and relevant assignments I have created. While there are some changes I made in this budget plan that I do not agree with now, the process was a major learning experience. Going through the process of determining what I would keep or what I need to cut to add something else in the school's budget was so tricky, but an awesome process to go through. Before this assignment I had to interview the Chief Financial Officer of Albuquerque Public Schools and he made a statement that simply demonstrates how educators need to know finances:
“So often educators tend to say ‘You know, I’m not very good with numbers,' yet accountants can’t get away with saying, ‘You know, I’m just not very good with nouns and verbs.’ We need to change our way of thinking and be involved with finances. Education is big business and educators should be more fluent with numbers” (Moya, personal communication, Feb 5, 2015). |